


Will you please elaborate your viewpoints?
A:change slightly
B:talk about
C:write down
D:explain clearly

Jack: The CCNU campus is so beautiful with lots of trees, flowers and grass.May: ____________ (shifting to another topic naturally)
A:Yes, its very beautiful.In fact, I think it is one of the most beautiful campuses all over China.
B: Many buildings there are shabby, the dormitories are crowded, and the food in the cafeterias is terrible, dont you think?
C: I visited the school last summer. The trees, flowers and grass all impressed me very much. I hope I can visit it again sometime.
D:I studied there ten years ago. I still remember we planted trees in our labor classes. Do students have labor classes now?

The young interpreter made a hit in the press conference yesterday.
A:made a fool of himself
B:made serious mistakes
C:achieved great success
D:put great influence

Andrew: Im sorry to tell you that you failed the mid-term exam.Connie: __________ (expressing regret)
A: Oh, no! What shall I do?
B: That cant be true!
C: I wish it were not true.
D:If only I had worked harder.

We should eliminate sexual discrimination in the whole world.

Womens social status in China has greatly improved.

Wendy: What are you going to do during the winter break?John: ___________ (stating a tentative plan)
A: Ill definitely look for a part-time job.
B: Perhaps Ill go home right away.
C: Ive planned to visit my aunt in Shanghai.
D: I dont know yet, but I certainly wont stay on campus.

He dreamed of being a great composer in the future.
A:a person who writes compositions
B:a person who writes music
C:a person who studies compositions
D:a person who writes drama

The increase of population in that nation is approximately10 million per year.

The mother is very possessive about her youngest son.
A:wants all the possession of
B:is very strict with
C:wants all the affection of
D:is very kind to

Sandy: Complexity can account for major differences between a human brain and a computer.Helen: __________ (asking for clarification)
A:Complexity? Im afraid Im not following you.
B: But is it true that a computer is also very complex in its inner structure?
C: Complexity? Im afraid Im not convinced.
D: But an advanced computer can think like humans now, cant it?

The critics paid a lot of compliments to his new novel.

What do you think about the principal actor in the movie?
A:most important
B:most famous
C:most handsome
D:most humorous

Sally: I dont think having a telephone in each dorm room is a good thing.Rita: ___________ (expressing an attitude to or opinion on what Sally says).
A:Why dont you think its a good thing?
B: We didnt have it either when I was a student.
C: I cant believe Im hearing this.
D:Its so shameful not to have a phone in the 21st century.

Im not sure whether this kind of socket is available in this hardware shop.

.Bob: Hi, Ted. How have you been?Ted: _______(initiating a topic)
A:Pretty good. Tell you what, Ive just returned from Taiwan.
B:Hi, Bob. Fancy meeting you here.
C:Just fine. How are you doing these days?
D:Well, Im rushing to my class. Ill talk to you later.

Mary really made a hit in her first performance yesterday evening.
A:won first prize
B:made a fool of herself
C:exerted great influence
D:achieved great success

Im nearsighted and the room is quite dark. Consequently I had great difficulties in finding the right button to turn on the light.
D:In the end

The low salary is her principal reason for leaving the job.

This is the principal idea of Einsteins theory.

Nick: Tell you what, Ive decided to take the TOEFL test next month.Susan: __________ (expecting more information about what Nick says)
A:No kidding! I cant believe it.
B:Really?! I suppose you must be well prepared.
C:Im going to take the test too.
D:Oh, come on!

You have the alternative of fighting or being taken prisoner.

His homework was virtually finished.

Julia: We knew little about what questions would be asked.Dianne: __________ (showing criticism)
A: He should have told us.
B:You didnt? Neither did I.
C: I wish he had told us.
D:Im really sorry to hear that.

Linda told a few jokes in order to redeem the boring dinner.

Kevin: So you think that the Internet is not good for us?Roger: __________ (giving clarification)
A:Yes, thats right. The Internet has so many bad effects.
B: What Im getting at is that we should make good use of it.
C: No, thats not my opinion. You misunderstood me.
D:To me, its true. The Internet indeed has some bad effects.

Jane: Television is really harmful to children. There is so much sex and violence on TV these days.Mike: ___________ (showing mild agreement)
A: Thats absolutely true.
B: Thats no exaggeration.
C: You have a point here.
D: I think so, too.

The president cared much for the security of his family members.

Fortunately, he survived the accident, safe and sound.

How can I adjust myself to the new life on campus?
A:devote myself
B:apply myself
C:contribute myself
D:make myself suitable

A dream is made up of a series of mind-pictures that form during sleep. The people and actions in these pictures seem real to the person who is dreaming. When a person is asleep, he has little or no control over his mind. Then ideas and feelings come out to form the mind picture known as dreams.Dreams may be influenced by different things that are present during sleep. If a person is cold, he may dream that he is out in a snowstorm. Worries or anger may also influence the content of a dream..Some people think that they seldom dream, and other people are quite sure that they do not dream at all. Studies of human sleep have shown, though, that everyone dreams every night. If a person thinks he does not dream, it is because he does not remember dreaming when he wakes up. Usually, a person may dream three to seven times for a total of one or two hours of dreaming every night.Perhaps you are wondering just how research workers can be sure that a person is dreaming. The story behind the discovery is an interesting one.During their research studies of human sleep, Dr Kleitman and his assistants noticed that a person sleeping made sudden eye movements. These eye movements occurred at least several times a night. When a sleeper was awakened during these periods of eye movement, it was learned that he had been dreaming. In most cases, the dreamer could then recall his dream. The persons eye movements, scientists believe, were caused by the movements of his eyes as he followed the events of the dream. Not only does everyone dream, but it seems that we all need to dream. One theory is that dreaming gives us a chance to escape from the rules of our real world. In dreams we can see our wishes come true. We can be rich, powerful, successful.Another theory is that in our dream we are trying to work out our problems that have troubled us during wak奥鹏华中师范大学平时在线作业ing moments.Whatever the explanation, we all do dream, and dreaming is necessary and important to us.

The family is changing. In the past, grandparents, parents and children used to live together; in other words, they had an extended family. Sometimes two or more brothers with their wives and children were part of this large family group. But family structure is changing throughout the world. The nuclear family consists of only one father, one mother and children; it is becoming the main family structure everywhere.The nuclear family offers married women some advantages: they have freedom from their relatives, and the husband does not have all the power of the family. Family structure in most parts of the world is still patriarchal; that is, the father is the head of the family and makes most of the important decisions. Studies show, however, that in nuclear families, men and women usually make an equal number of decisions about family life. Also, well-educated husbands and wives often prefer to share the power.But wives usually have to pay for the benefits of freedom and power. When women lived in extended families, sisters, grandmothers and aunts helped one another with housework and child care. In addition, older women in a large family group had important positions. Wives in nuclear families do not enjoy this benefit, and they have another disadvantage, too. Women generally live longer than their husbands, so older women from nuclear families often have to live alone.Studies show that women are generally less satisfied with marriage than men are. In the past, men worked outside the home and women inside. Housework and child care were a full-time job, and there was no time for anything else. Of course, this situation is changing. Women now work outside the home and seem to have more freedom than they did in the past. Why, then, are some women still discontent?In most parts of the world today, women work because the family needs more money. However, their outside jobs often give them less freedom, not more, because they still have to do most of the housework. The women actually have two full-time jobs—one outside the home and another inside— and not much free time.The nuclear family will probably continue to be the main family form of the future. Change, however, usually brings disadvantages along with benefits, and the family forms of the past had many advantages.

[1] Many primitive peoples believed that by eating an animal they could get some of the good qualities of that animal for themselves. They thought, for example, that eating deer would make them run as fast as the deer. Some savage tribes believed that eating enemies that had shown bravery in battle would make them brave.Man-eating may have started because people were eager to become as strong and brave as their enemies.[2] Among civilized people it was once thought that ginger root by some magical power could improve the memory. Eggs were thought to make the voice pretty.Tomatoes were also believed to have magical powers. They were called love apples and were supposed to make people who ate them fall in love.[3] Later another wrong idea about tomatoes grew upthe idea that they were poisonous. How surprised the people who thought tomatoes poisonous would be if they could know that millions of pounds of tomatoes were supplied to soldiers overseas during World War II.[4] Even today there are a great many wrong ideas about food. Some of them are very widespread.[5] One such idea is that fish is the best brain food. Fish is good brain food just as it is good muscle food and skin food and bone food. But no one has been able to prove that fish is any better for the brain than many other kinds of food.[6] Another such idea is that you should not drink water with meals. Washing food down with water as a substitute for chewing is not a good idea, but some water with meals has been found to be helpful. It makes the digestive juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food.[7] Many of the ideas that have no foundation, according to scientists, have to do with mixtures of foods. A few years ago the belief became general that orange juice and milk should never be drunk at the same meal. The reason given was that the acid in the orange juice would make the milk curdle and become indigestible. As a matter of fact, milk always meets in the stomach a digestive juice which curdles it; the curdling of the milk is the first step in its digestion. A similar wrong idea is that fish and ice cream when eaten at the same meal form a poisonous combination.[8] Still another wrong idea about mixing foods is that proteins and carbohydrates should never be eaten at the same meal. Many people think of bread, for example, as a carbohydrate food. It is chiefly a carbohydrate food, but it also contains proteins. In the same way, milk probably the single best food, contains both proteins and carbohydrates.It is just as foolish to say that one should never eat meat and potatoes together as it is to say that one should never eat bread or drink milk.

I had a dream that night that was the beginning of a very strange time of suffering.I cannot call it a nightmare, for I was quite conscious of being asleep. But I was equally conscious of being in my room and lying in bed, just as I actually was. I saw, or imagined I saw, the room and its furniture just as I has seen it last, except that it was very dark. I saw something moving round the foot of the bed. At first I could not see it clearly enough to recognize it, but then it took shape as a black animal, rather like a monstrous cat. It appeared to me about four or five feet long, for it measured fully the length of a small carpet as it passed over it. It continued moving to and fro with the eager restlessness of an animal in a cage.I could not cry out although, as you may suppose, I was terrified. The creatures pace was growing faster. The room was getting rapidly darker and darker. At last it was so dark that I could only see the animals eyes. I felt it spring lightly on the bed. The two broad eyes approached my face; and suddenly I felt a sharp pain as if two large needles, an inch or two apart, had entered my breast. I woke with a scream.The room was lit by the candle that burnt there all through the night. I was a female figure standing at the foot of the bed and a little to the right side. It was in a dark, loose dress, and its hair was down and covered the shoulders. A block of stone could not have stood more still. There was not the smallest movement of its breathing. As I stared at it, the figure seemed to have changed its place. It was now nearer the door; then, close to it, the door opened, and the figure passed out.I was now able to breathe more freely and move. My first thought was that I had forgotten to lock my door and someone had played a trick on me. I got up quickly, went to the door, found it locked as usual on the inside. I was afraid to open it. I was horrified. I sprang into my bed and covered my head up in the bedclothes and lay there more dead than alive till morning.


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